Google Maps API key
To use Google Maps features you must first create a Google Project.
Follow these steps or see video Tutorial at
IMPORTANT Due to Google Maps update you need also to enable Google Maps Geocoding API and Google Places API Web Service library (in video there is not this thing!!!! we will update soon)
Step 1 (Create Project)
- Go to Google API Console
- Click on Create Project, fill the Project name and Accept Terms of services
Step 2 (Enable APIs)
- Choose your Project
- On left menu choose Library and Enable Google Maps JavaScript API
- On left menu choose Library and Enable Google Places API Web Service
- On left menu choose Library and Enable Google Maps Geocoding API
Step 3 (Create API Key)
- On left menu choose Credentials
- Click on New Credentials and choose Server Key
- Click Create and annotates generated Server Key KEEP NOTE OF API KEY
Step 4 (Get your API key and add it in Easy Profile Configuration)